"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Reality Check

Recently the company I work for decided to start a Comprehensive Wellness Plan for its employees. This, as our insurance premiums are more than tripling since, apparently, there hasn't been an increase in 7 years.... As an out, though, our premiums would not increase by as much if we agreed to participate in the Plan. Sure, sign me up, I'd take a doubled premium over a tripled one any day.

To kick off the Program, the company bought in a team of nurses who took our blood and vital signs, free of charge, to serve as the starting line for our challenge. We then took a survey about our eating, drinking, sleeping, waking, and every other habit which produced a fancy 15+ page report with all our stats. In order to stay in the program and receive the discounted premium rate we have to improve one aspect of our health within one year.

Going into this my thoughts were, well I'm already a healthy person. I eat my fruits and vegetables. I work out (if you just said that to the tune of LMFAO's song, I applaud you). So what could I possibly have to improve in?

And then the reality check.

I am at HIGH RISK for nutrition.

As in, what I thought I was doing right, I was doing oh-so-wrong. And although every other aspect of my health was at an IDEAL RISK level, I repeat, every other aspect, I was stunned, floored, if you will, by this one solitary high risk area. Not even moderate risk. High risk for peet's sake! An area I honestly thought I was doing well in.

Which makes me wonder: if I actually eat fruits and vegetables, cook my own meals at least 5 days a week, what was everyone else's figure? In a country where it is acceptable to count fries from McDonanlds as a serving of vegetables?

Anyway, so in my usual fashion, I have accepted the challenge and have taken a serious look at my eating habits. And come time next year for our next wellness screening, not only will that HIGH RISK be lowered to MODERATE RISK, I'm determined to lower it even more to IDEAL.

So to do that I've gotten back into the kitchen. I'm meal planning and trying out new, slightly more complicated dishes than those I'd normally cook for myself.

Last night was Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops with steamed cauliflower and broccoli and a baked potato. Tonight will be Lemon Pepper Chicken with steamed summer squash and rice (not brown yet as I have some white rice to finish up - I may be eating healthier but I'm not going to waste good food!). For breakfast I'm eating a serving of yogurt mixed with a serving of Granola cereal and a large wedge of cantaloupe. For lunch I'm eating leftovers from the night before along with a Romaine lettuce salad with chick peas. And for snacks? An apple with peanut butter or celery with hummus or peanuts and raisins.

You're on HIGH RISK for Nutrition. I hope you're not a sore loser because you're going down!.

Happy (Healthy) Eating!

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