"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain

Friday, August 13, 2010

MTV: the bane of my existance

Remember when MTV actually COULD call itself "Music TV"? I remember back in 1999 right after moving to the US and finally getting cable, Mom picked us up from school and was telling us all about the different channels and I distinctly remember her saying: "and there's this one channel that only plays music all day." Those were the days.

Soon MTV got the Reality TV bug and from there it was only down hill. Here are a list of some of the worst Reality TV shows known to date on the MTV channel.

1. Laguna Beach. Yes, I agree it was entertaining and for a while I tuned in every week to watch the next episode. But seriuosly, could high schoolers really ACT real when they were followed around my cameras every day? Besides the fakeness of the show, I honestly think Laguna Beach had something to do with the demise of the American youth. Everyone wanted to act like the popular group out there in Orange County.

2. Next. Honestly, how are there so many retarded people in America? Per capita the US definitely has their fair share of idiots, and all of them somehow manage to find their way onto the Next show. And what is with the lines at the end of each show? I mean really??? Who writes this junk? The cockiness is over-exaggerated, and the fakeness has been taken to a new level. My suggestion: the script should be burned, and the participants shot for even considering to go along with the stupidity. Anything for their 10 minutes of fame.

3. ALL the finding-love-on-MTV shows. A Shot at Love. I Love Money. The list goes on. Finding love on MTV is basically searching through America's rejects.

4. South Park. On Wednesday I was shocked to hear two boys in my English class mimicking the South Park characters. They were 9 and 11. There is no hope for the future of this nation when 9 and 11 year olds look up to South Park, repeat (word for word) the episodes and try to act just as the annoying little characters do.

5. Parental Control. I admit its a clever idea: I'm sure many parents would like the opportunity to choose who there children date, and then they ruined it with the scripting. Number one qualification to work as a script writer on MTV: Bachelor's degree in the worst come back lines known to man. "Uh, whatever" went out about a gazillion years ago, people! The teens think they are so bloodly smart but all I hear when I watch the show is "blah blah blah I am not a man, blah blah blah." And honestly, if any kid talks to me like they talk to the adults on that show, I wouldn't simply have a shocked look on my face... they'd have a shockinly red handprint on their left cheek. Just watching the show makes me want to throw something at the TV. Won't someome please tell these imbecils that they are 1. not funny and 2. in no way clever with their comebacks.

6. The Real World. All I have to say is that they have redefined the word 'real'. Its sad how there really are no wholesome young people left in America.

7. Whatever retarded Jessica Simpson show is on now. As if we didn't get enough of her lack-of-cerebral-matter on Newlyweds and the other 12 shows she has tried (and failed) at. Her lack of respect for foreign countries and their cultures in her new program is sickening. Not everyone is cut out to be an entertainer. She should have been told that no one likes her years ago.

8. My Super Sweet 16. This show really only deserves two words: Spoiled. Brats.

The list can go on, of course. Every 30 minute block on the channel is filled by a program that deserves to be put on this list. Maybe we should just do away with the entire channel and replace it with a wholesome educational channel that will teach America (and all the other countries poisened by MTV) that being cool does NOT mean trying out for a MTV Reality TV show.