So first off, is a little background information to put us on the same page. What in the world would make me want to write such a "series?" The short answer is: People who speak and think later. The long answer is: Morning after morning as I'm deciding on which outfit to wear that day or as I'm carefully putting on my makeup in the bathroom mirror, I am amazed at the stupid things I hear on the radio. I'm not talking about adverts, but rather about the things people choose to say out loud on the radio.
It all started one bright, sunny spring morning after I had just moved to Greensboro, North Carolina (I never listened to morning radio in California). The night before I had randomly chosen a radio station to use as an alarm and which I would keep on during the hour or so that it took me to get ready and eat breakfast. Although I can no longer recall which radio station it was, I do very clearly remember the idiotic remark which quite literally left me speechless. (As to the factuality of the story, I have not researched it, but the following is what was said.)
The morning hosts were commenting on gold being found by Canadians in the mountains of North Carolina (again, I have not checked the validity of this story). Then, as if it were the most factual statement of all time, the guy says: "We should make a law: You have to speak English to dig for gold in North Carolina." Ummm... what?!? My sentiments exactly. To make sure I wasn't out-of-the-loop on this one I quickly checked the CIA World Factbook statistics. Yep, his stupidity was confirmed: almost 60% of the Canadian population speaks English as their native language. Compared to only 22% that speaks French and the rest "other." Sure, it might be a lesser percentage than Americans who speak English but it sure as hell is a larger percentage than foreigners from just about any other country who might choose to try their luck in the Tar Heel mountains. Saying that about Canada would be like saying it about England or Australia for that matter, also once a British colony. I would have forgiven the comment if it were made about our neighbours to the south (although then there would probably have been a public outcry as to political correctness of the statement), but the Canadians? Had he ever actually MET a Canadian? I immediately thought about calling into the program and setting the idiot straight, but when you need them to offer their number, of course they never do. I am sure, though, that if he took two seconds to think about what he was about to say, he never would have said it.
People who say dumb things publicly should be publicly ridiculed, that's my stand, and for that very reason I'm starting this series. I have a couple other past estupideces (as the Spanish word so wonderfully describes it) to post before I catch up to the present, so expect more soon. I encourage all of you to comment and share your own I-can't-believe-he-just-said-that-out-loud moments. Cheers!
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