"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain

Friday, March 16, 2012

What Is A Blog If Not To Vent?

Sometimes I wonder, when I talk do people actually hear what I say, or do they just pretend to understand while misconstruing my words to go along with the fantasy world they've created in their head?

The fact that I agree with a person one time, does not make us best friends. And it does not mean I will have their back every time. It means they still have to listen to the words that come out of my mouth and relay them to a third party exactly or I will set them straight. I apologize if they thought otherwise.

No wait, I don't apologize. It was their mistake.

I was recently chastised at work for having an attitude towards one of my superiors and instead of trying to deny it, I admitted to it openly and out loud, holding nothing back. I mean, how could you NOT have an attitude towards a person who comes to you to clear up any issue and then later calls you "just the translator".

Just the translator? If it weren't for me buddy, you wouldn't have your job since your job entails editing my translations. And if I am just the editor, then why do you come to me when you're not sure of "how we say something in Spanish"? Last time I checked, you were the native Spanish speaker, shouldn't you know how it is said in your native language?

I think I've gotten a bit off track here. It's just all this has been bubbling to the surface lately. It is one thing after the next after the next.

My editor, for example, takes credit with the boss for something I pointed out to him! Then, when I mention it to my copy-editor she says "I know I saw that. We pointed it out to him and he takes the credit!" I'm like, "we?" There was no 'we' in the pointing out that had taken place. It was me. Me, myself, and I and then she goes to the boss to point out that we had mentioned it to him. UGH!

But then again, I'm just the translator so what I say doesn't matter.

Point in case número dos:

My copy-editor: "Can you point out that thing to me that was missing that we told him about." (I told him about)
Me: "It was here, but I really think the client changed it later because there is no way all three of us missed it three times."
My copy-editor: "So what you're saying is, he missed it on the final version they sent. Have you looked?"
Me: "No, I haven't looked but I'm 100% positive they added it later because there is no way all three of us missed it."
My copy-editor: "So what you're saying is..."

I saw this image on Pinterest the other day and I thought, how freakin' true. There is a fine line between tattling and reporting an incident, and here, in the soap opera that is the Hispanic Task Force where I work, tattling has become a common occurrence. And I say "tattling" because the only reason for the "reporting of events to the bosses" is to make the other person look bad. Am I working with a bunch of kindergardeners?

About a week ago I was talking to a good friend of mine during lunch. I was in an extremely foul mood because of something someone else had done and it had just ruined my entire day. In fact, it happened on my drive to work that morning when all the morons of the world decided to drive the streets of Greensboro.

My friend said: "Why do you let it get to you all day? You can't change what they did, don't let it ruin your good mood."

Since that day, I've made an effort to blow things off and keep chipper. I have an urge to blow up in the car and I say to myself (out loud, yes, I talk to myself in the car) "It doesn't matter. It's not important. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, just let it go." And it has worked, surprisingly.

But somethings are just too big to blow off and something must be said. I refuse to be just another tattle, and run to tell the boss all the s$%* that is happened here, but I'm reaching the edge of my patience. I won't survive long here, that I'm quite sure of, now to just figure out how to get through the next day.

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