"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Signs You've Watched Too Much NCIS

Last night I had a dream. I always dream and I generally remember my dreams, and recently my dreams have been super vivid, but last night's took the cake, literally.

I am driving down the road in a car that is not mine, although in my dream it is. There is a guy in the passenger seat. The road, I'm sure, was a road close to where I grew up in South Africa, although I can't really place it given how long ago that was now. But this is not important. Somewhere close to me is a big black SUV, one of those government types that have no markings but are extremely intimidating.

I make a U-Turn at the light and the black SUV puts on its lights and follows me. Obviously, I begin worrying, but I keep telling my passenger, all macho-like, that the U-Turn was legal, there was no sign there that prohibited U-Turns etc. So I keep driving and come to another light. The SUV pulls up along side me, stopps, looks over at me, then speeds off.

Thinking nothing of it, I drive home, alone, which turns out to be a mansion I'd never seen filled with... nothing. Had I just moved in? I go upstairs to plug in my phone and when I look out the window, there were dozens of black SUVs and sedans littering the yard, front and back, and all the men standing around them are wearing jackets and vests with the FBI logo.

I try to send a text to the person who was in the car with me, no idea who it was, but in the place on the phone were the signal bars should be, there is a frog with an X over it, and in my dream I know that meant they had blocked my cell signal. So, obviously, I'm confused. I'm at home alone, I've done nothing more than a legal U-Turn, and here my house is surrounded by dozens of FBI agents.

The doorbell rings.

I slowly walk down the stairs to open it and, low and behold, there stands Special Agent Gibbs, all quiet and serious looking, backed by other agents I've never seen.

Immediately I start claiming I had made a legal U-Turn, that there had been no indication that it wasn't allowed there. Gibbs, in his usual demeanor, says, "Do you really think we're here about a U-Turn?"

No, obviously not.

I know this sentence is going to be extremely anti-climatic, but I really can't remember why they were there. I remember something about a murder, but from there, I don't remember my response or how I managed to convince them I had nothing to do with it. I just know I had because...

My dream ended with one of the female agents baking me chocolate cupcakes with strawberry icing and sprinkles in my kitchen, while Gibbs and I had a laugh about the good old days.

Funny thing is, I used to detest NCIS. I found it boring. On Wednesday nights when my parents would watch it (they Ti-Voed it to watch without commercials), I would be in my room watching whatever else is on. But then I moved out on my own, and almost every evening between 5 and 8 or 9 USA has an NCIS marathon, right when I get home from work, and now... I'm hooked! So much, in fact, that I even dream of Agent Gibbs.

What has my life come to?


  1. I was so into this story and then all of the sudden it fizzled down. Don't you love you can remember so many details about the dream, but the most important part (WHY), is blank? And I agree with dream you and the U-turn. No sign, then it's fair game!
    I do believe you have a new obsession...haha

  2. haha I most certainly do! I have another dream the other night, this time Abby, the tech, was in it haha. I seriously need to stop watching it! Especially since now all I'm seeing is reruns!

    Sorry for the abrupt "fizzing down" of the story... I knew it would be anticlimactic but I just have a whole in the memory of my dream haha
