I mean I do it to. Today I wrote on a friend's wall how I missed her. She wrote back seconds later that we should talk and catch up and that weeks ago she had sent me a message, which I had failed (oops) to reply to. And instead of calling her right then and there when I obviously wasn't doing anything at the time, and let's face it, she wasn't either if she was checking Facebook, I found her weeks old message and replied. Viola, we've caught up.... not exactly.
Truth is, even thinking about talking on the phone these days is a drag. Of course part of my problem is the whole 3 hour time difference between me and practically all of my friends. I admit I cannot count how many times I have looked at my ringing phone and just ignored the call instead of answering (I promise I haven't done it to you...). Truth is Facebook is convenient - I'll answer when I have the time, or when I feel like it, or when there is actually something to report.
So what all started my head spinning really, was that fact that recently I have started searching for new ways to join the job market. A traditional resume is not cutting it these days so I've made a website and professional blog to help move the process along. I even joined LinkedIn. So now I spend hours a day, checking three different email addresses, two social networks, two blogs, and a personal website. Its a wonder I even have time to do work... oh wait, I don't have one...
For those interested my website is: www.translationsdk.com
Professional blog: dktranslations.wordpress.com
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