A-soon-to-be concerned citizen.
This morning, while wasting time because I was unable to sleep, I read something that at first made me roll my eyes, and then made me wonder why the US doesn't realize that 1. they are the laughing stock of the world at the moment and 2. they are setting themselves up to be destroyed as a country. What was it you may ask? The headline: Spat errups on 'The View'. The picture, which caught my attention was of Bill O'Reilly and the older redheaded View hostess... My first thought was "oh great, now what did O'Reilly say?" But after reading the article I have to say, I agree with him. Yes, we all love to hate O'Reilly, but he is one of the few public figures that could give a sh*$ about being politically correct, an American concept that will lead to its demise as a world power, and later as a nation.
The topic turned to the Mosque that is planned for Ground Zero and when asked why he was against it, Bill replied "Because they killed us on 9/11". Was he wrong? Was it another extremist religion that flew two gigantic feul-filled airplanes into the World Trade Center buildings at the busiest time of the morning when the most people would be killed? If I'm wrong, please correct me. Here in lies the problem: America wants so badly to make everyone happy that they are willing to "re-write" history so that it doesn't make any one side look bad. Instead of being Muslim extremists, now they are just "extremists" as Whoopi put it, so as not to point a figure. I really wouldn't be surprised if one day someone were to actually say: well, we sort of deserved it.
Let me clarify that yes America protects the right to practice any religion, and I am NOT in ANYWAY saying Muslims do not have the right to build a Mosque. I might not agree with their beliefs, but according to the Constitution they have as much right to be there as us Christians do, what I DO NOT agree with is the slap in the face that building a Mosque right at Ground Zero will give to all the families who lost loved one's that day. How fair is that? Why will someone not stand up and say: by all means, build your Mosque, but go build it somewhere else. The AMERICANS who lost their lives that day deserve more respect than to be remembered by a building being built for the very extremists that killed them that day. And that is what happened: 9/11 was the mass murder of more than 3000 unsuspecting, innocent individuals simply because the Muslim extremists did not, do not, BELIEVE in the politics of our United States.
America, instead of cowarding behind words of BS political correctness, stand up for yourselves. No one deserves the beating that America took on the 11th of September, regardless of what they stand for. Don't remember those innocently killed by erecting a place of worship to the very people who pray for the fall of this great country.
Yes, I am criticizing. And yes, this may offend some of you. I am not apologizing for anything I've said. I am taking a stand for the country I want to live in for the rest of my life, because if someone doesn't do it, this country will cease to exist in its entirety.
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