Two weeks into classes and I'll swear I never even had a 2 month vacation.... There was none of the first day go-over-the-program-and-then-go-home nonsense, and there was DEFINITELY none of the no-homework-on-the-first-day-because-all-we-did-was-go-over-the-program bull. First week, first round of two-and-a-half-hour-long-lectures, first impossible-to-understand readings, and first wreck-my-brain-for-the-right-word translations. And here's an impossible question: how the hell do I translate the compound nouns we can only create in English??? Needless to say, it is 6pm on Saturday and I am exhausted. I can't blame it only on the 9 hours of class I have beginning at 7am, I mean I haven't been able to sleep well for the past two nights because of the wind that howls at my windows, but make no mistake...sitting in class from 7 am to 4:30 pm is excrutiating. At the beginning it sounded nice--class only two days a week and the rest of the time for homework as it turns out, come the end of the weekend all I want to do is rest and homework is the last thing on my agenda...and by last I mean, maybe I'll get to it on Thursday and have to cram everything into two days.
Of course all the "fun" starts this semester with my thesis paper. In two weeks I have to hand in Chapter 1: at least 20 pages of...well I haven't figured that part out yet. What is my chapter one. Here is when I start to wish I had taken the professor's advice six months ago and read more than I stared at a computer screen talking to people online or changing my Facebook status. But eh, we make our choices and we have to live with what comes of them. I'm not stressing out...yet...but all I can say at this point is that it isn't going to be the easy semester I had one year ago, where the beach didn't seem like an impossible dream, when I had visitors and we spent time talking about things OTHER than what the hell I'm going to write about in Chapter 1, when I traveled to other countries and missed class because, well, it was my birthday. I guess in the end all I can be thankful for is that I only have this year left. And what IS left of this year? That would be 279 days, 10 hours, 33 minutes, and 25 seconds, OR 9 months, 6 days, 10 hours, 33 minutes, and 25 seconds OR 39 weeks, 6,706 hours, 402,393 minutes, and 24,143, 605 seconds...and NONE of those makes it feel any shorter. Here's to hoping I make it out alive.
P.S. Side note, just so you know. My birthday is in 21 days :-) At least there IS something to look forward to this year. The big 2-5 :-)
So what did Chapter 1 end up being about? haha. The hardest part about writing is always getting started. After that it always seems to get a littler easier (well as easy as writing a paper can get...let alone a thesis). Bye Bye social life.