And as I sit here waiting for sleep to come over me (I should probably get off of the computer for that....) I think to myself that already in these 15 days of 2010, I have had one of the worst years I can remember. On January 1st I brought the new year in with a speeding ticket, which, thanks to the 1. overworked police department and 2. amount of speeders on the road will not be posted for around 21 days during which time I can do NOTHING to get it taken care of. Unfortunately I will be in Costa Rica when the time comes that they get around to establishing the fine and I have no way to go to court and argue that I really wasn't speeding and see if they will lower it. Anyway, lovely. Then a couple days later the computer that I had already sent into HP Technical Support for a major problem starts acting up again...WITH THE SAME DAMN PROBLEM. Of course I don't have to reiterate that I will be in Costa Rica in two days so couldn't send it BACK to HP for them to again, do nothing with it and hope the problem goes away by itself. And the worst of it all? I was selling the computer so I NEEDED it to be working 100%. So about 5 calls to tech support and 3 pit stops to repair centers later, no one could do a damn thing and it was I who came up with the idea of how to narrow the problem down and it will probably be....ME....who ends up fixing it. Got to love the support service system in the United States. Ok, well as if THAT isn't enough. I'm already tired, angry, upset, stressed, you name it, and I get in the car to go pick my mom up for lunch and BAM, not kidding, the car won't start. An hour earlier it was working just fine, not even a hint of a problem, and then just as if a light had been turned off, the car would not start. When I get frustrated I cry. And yesterday I must have cried for at least 6 of my waking hours. When life hands you lemons....
And here I am, one day later and I'm still really not over it. Sure I'm not crying, or frustrated, but it just makes me have to it just amazes me, depresses me, you name it, to think that when one thing goes wrong, everything goes wrong. But then look at it from another angle. A friend of mine hit it on the nail: my year can only get better from here on karma depends on it! :-)
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