Classes started for me last Friday the 13th, which if I was a superstitious person would have been a bad omen...luckily for me though, I'm not and I really enjoyed my first class, "Semantica del Texto." I was caught quite off guard when the professor announced that the whole semester would be conducted in English, I mean after all I came here so that I could learn to think in Spanish, but after sitting through the next 3 classes, 2 of which are in Spanish, I am quite thankful for the change in least I know I'll fully understand 2 of my 4 classes! Now I only have to get used to being up, sitting in class, and fully focused on learning at 7 a.m. on a Saturday...what do you suppose are the chances of that? Never in my life have I had a Saturday class, let alone a 7 a.m. class.
I woke up on February the 14th at 5:30 a.m., made coffee, showered, and was out the door by 6:30 to get to the university on time (I have to catch a bus from central park in Barva to Heredia, and then walk about 500 kilometers to the university). Suprisingly though, it wasn't that hard. The professor I have for the 7 a.m. class somewhat reminds me of Dr. Peery (for those of you who know him). I couldn't imagine having anyone else at 7 a.m. and enjoying being in class. Of course as soon as that class got out I was the first out the door searching more coffee, but I wasn't completely bored during the 2 1/2 hours I sat there focused on the use of words in a strictly gramatical sense, with or without being ambigious...ummm...what???
Anyway my day finally ended at 3:30 p.m. after 2 other classes, "Estrategias de la traduccion" and "Terminologia" which could possibly be an interesting subject but, thanks to the professor who has a need to clarify herself about 12 times and talk all the way though a project she gave us to do, won't be my favourite class. It was at about 4 p.m. when I arrived back at the house that I realized it was Valentine's Day. Not because of anything anyone did for me, but because it was the first time since I woke up that I was able to relax and not focus on learning. That night I went out to a restaurant to listen to my brother, Jaime, and two of his friends play their first gig. The bar/restaurant was tiny but had an amazing view of the lights of the city, including the lights of the runway at the airport. Even at 11:00 p.m. it was breathtaking. Unfortunately after that things turned sour when we went out to eat Taco Bell at 12:00 in the morning and I woke up Sunday sick to my stomach from late night grease. Not the brightest idea I have ever had, but hmmm was it good at the time.
Other than that, currently there is this sculpture fair or festival going on in the central park in Barva. There are about 12 sculptors, 2 from the US, 1 from Cuba and the rest Costa Rican who started sculpting on Sunday and are supposed to finish completely in two weeks. Its incredible to see how a huge piece of rock is gradually transformed into art. I have been speaking with one of the sculptors, from Colorado, who is doing this interesting Mother-Daughter piece. She is very nice but doesn't speak a word of Spanish so I've been interpreting for her whenever I'm around. It's quite fun actually.
Yesterday I spent the day at the beach with Tonio, a friend that I made last time I was here. We went to Jaco, about 2 1/2 hours away from San Jose, not the prettiest of beaches in Costa Rica, but not the worst either. It was a gorgeous day to spend on the beach, lots of sunshine and warm weather. It was just nice to get out in the sun again after 6 months straight in an office working in front of a computer. I wasn't even out in the sun that much, considering how quickly I burn it wasn't a smart idea to spend hours with no shade, but even a little sun drains a person and when I arrived home at around 8:30 I was super tired. I fell asleep on the couch attempting to have a conversation on MSN only to be woken up by Danilo, my other brother, and sent to bed. Unfortunately the morning brought the realization that I still had about 140 pages to read for my classes on Saturday and about 6 short interviews to do for Friday night...and thus began my career as a grad school times...
I woke up on February the 14th at 5:30 a.m., made coffee, showered, and was out the door by 6:30 to get to the university on time (I have to catch a bus from central park in Barva to Heredia, and then walk about 500 kilometers to the university). Suprisingly though, it wasn't that hard. The professor I have for the 7 a.m. class somewhat reminds me of Dr. Peery (for those of you who know him). I couldn't imagine having anyone else at 7 a.m. and enjoying being in class. Of course as soon as that class got out I was the first out the door searching more coffee, but I wasn't completely bored during the 2 1/2 hours I sat there focused on the use of words in a strictly gramatical sense, with or without being ambigious...ummm...what???
Anyway my day finally ended at 3:30 p.m. after 2 other classes, "Estrategias de la traduccion" and "Terminologia" which could possibly be an interesting subject but, thanks to the professor who has a need to clarify herself about 12 times and talk all the way though a project she gave us to do, won't be my favourite class. It was at about 4 p.m. when I arrived back at the house that I realized it was Valentine's Day. Not because of anything anyone did for me, but because it was the first time since I woke up that I was able to relax and not focus on learning. That night I went out to a restaurant to listen to my brother, Jaime, and two of his friends play their first gig. The bar/restaurant was tiny but had an amazing view of the lights of the city, including the lights of the runway at the airport. Even at 11:00 p.m. it was breathtaking. Unfortunately after that things turned sour when we went out to eat Taco Bell at 12:00 in the morning and I woke up Sunday sick to my stomach from late night grease. Not the brightest idea I have ever had, but hmmm was it good at the time.
Other than that, currently there is this sculpture fair or festival going on in the central park in Barva. There are about 12 sculptors, 2 from the US, 1 from Cuba and the rest Costa Rican who started sculpting on Sunday and are supposed to finish completely in two weeks. Its incredible to see how a huge piece of rock is gradually transformed into art. I have been speaking with one of the sculptors, from Colorado, who is doing this interesting Mother-Daughter piece. She is very nice but doesn't speak a word of Spanish so I've been interpreting for her whenever I'm around. It's quite fun actually.
Yesterday I spent the day at the beach with Tonio, a friend that I made last time I was here. We went to Jaco, about 2 1/2 hours away from San Jose, not the prettiest of beaches in Costa Rica, but not the worst either. It was a gorgeous day to spend on the beach, lots of sunshine and warm weather. It was just nice to get out in the sun again after 6 months straight in an office working in front of a computer. I wasn't even out in the sun that much, considering how quickly I burn it wasn't a smart idea to spend hours with no shade, but even a little sun drains a person and when I arrived home at around 8:30 I was super tired. I fell asleep on the couch attempting to have a conversation on MSN only to be woken up by Danilo, my other brother, and sent to bed. Unfortunately the morning brought the realization that I still had about 140 pages to read for my classes on Saturday and about 6 short interviews to do for Friday night...and thus began my career as a grad school times...